{Photos and Review} Solome Thrills At Maiden Concert.

Solome During Her Concert at Golf course Hotel on May 1st.

Solome During Her Concert at Golf course Hotel on May 1st.

It is not so often that a new artist makes an entry into the music scene with release of album and songs in a concert. When she set the dates for her concert, some wondered who this fearless artiste was. She was bold and fearless and was very comfortable on radio with just one song Nz’ani which became an instant success among both Christian and on mainstream media.

During her concert, she walked down the aisle dressed up like a princess and singing a mellow song, Love affair. The crowd’s heart was stolen. She then sung, “I’ll sing of your love”and a rendition of “Anjagala,” the Afro-spiritual Luganda song.

Solome Gives Breathtaking Performance.

Solome Gives Breathtaking Performance.

She sung and indeed ministered to us in the song, “You Are Great.” That was before she shared her life stories. She was helped by Sanyu (Angella Okullo) who Solome thanked for being a friend and confidant.

Solome’s concert fell on the same day as that of Jose Chameleon. That did not stop it from being a full house concert and we were not worried because, this concert appealed to people with a peculiar taste in music.

Kimera Was Singing His Latest New Song Slowdown

Kimera Was Singing His Latest New Song Slowdown

Solome, Sanyu Sings and Ruyonga during Solome's Concert.

Solome, Sanyu Sings and Ruyonga during Solome’s Concert.

During the break before the second session, Kimera came on to sing his latest release, Slowdown. He did  a smooth fusion of the two songs “Slowdown” and “Gwe Wange.” It was soothing to the soul. After him, there was a Video of Solome sharing his story on the screen. It showed the ever so joyful Solome doing crazy things.

Solome During Her Second Set At Golf Course Hotel.

Solome During Her Second Set At Golf Course Hotel.

In her second session, she started with Nz’ani and then was joined by Sanyu Sings (Angella Okullo) and Christian rapper Ruyonga on the song, “What does a girl do?” Then, Solome narrated her Love Story that involved numerous relationships, heartbreak and how God finally led her to a place of security in the love He has for her.

Right after that, she performed Cece Winans’ Alabaster box and followed with a few other songs together with Jeremy Byemanzi, Deno and a female who sung, “How He Loves Us.”

A Lady Sings

A Lady Sings “He Loves Us,” during Solome’s Concert.

The last song she did was “I met a Man.” She also made a mention of all the people, friends and family, sponsors who made the concert a success.

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